Science research and development is an important part of our work. SNDGroup products and technologies have a serious fundamental basis. We also conduct research at the request of our customers.
• Nanostructured metallic and non-metallic coatings • Self-heating nano-solder • Welding foil • High-tech soldering materials for mounting microwave devices • Printed circuit boards and electronic components, including MEMS • Efficient thermal interfaces
• Sensitive elements based on multilayer nanostructures • Sensors based on carbon • Nanomaterials • IR sensors • Temperature sensors • Gas sensors • Magnetic sensors • Load cells • Diagnostic and control systems (based on sensors)
«Creating SmartFoil technology»
«Development of technology for the use of SmartFoil material during the installation of piezoceramic elements»
«Development of technology for the use of SmartFoil material during the installation of piezoceramic packages»
«Development of technology for ultrafast pre-sealing during relay enclosure through the use of SmartFoil-type SHS nanostructures»
«Improvement of technology for the assembly of high-voltage current sources for liquid pumping turbines»
Examples of completed research and development work
Areas of expertise: thin foils, new materials, nanomaterials, microcrystalline structures, magnetic properties of nanostructures, emission properties of nanostructures, nanostructure production technologies, nanoelectronics
Areas of expertise: carbon nanostructures, nanopores, nanostructures and nanomaterials, synthesis of nanomaterials, thin foils and nanotechnology, nanostructured materials, deposition of thin foils, tokamak